Thursday, June 21, 2012

vending machine pizza

I read this article the other day about a pizza vending machine. The wonderment of the whole thing nearly overwhelmed me! Let's start from the top:

It's pizza.
Duh. This one should be a given. Although, since I have my own food group labeled "pizza" in my personal food pyramid, this may just be a given for me.

It's about time!
Finally! Guys, the Jetsons aired in the early 1960s, showing us how technologically-produced food was possible. If you can dream it, you can do it! You are telling me it took us nearly half a century to get our act together?

The Godzilla-style concept video rocks my world.
Rather than citizens of Japan running from a giant lizard, it is a wannabe Spice Girl showing us the steps of vending machines. This must be produced for Americans by non-Americans because if there is something we understand, it is vending machines. Regardless, when I see a film with a voiceover translation, "Go-ji-ra!!" inevitably pops in my head.

British accents sound smarter. Period.
The second video hosts a narrator with a particularly smart-sounding accent. This is a brilliant idea because the accent said so!

It would especially handy if they would go ahead and create one at my apartment complex. I wouldn't even have to worry about walking across the street to the store to get a frozen pizza! Ah, the future. Who knew it would get here so soon?

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