Friday, April 17, 2009

i know him! i know him!

There is a line Will Ferrell yells in his movie, Elf, when he hears that Santa will be visiting:

I have a tendency to feel that way whenever somebody mentions somebody or something I recognize (though I usually keep my reaction internal). I yell those lines a lot, even if only in my head.

A lot has been covered about the tornado, particularly about the damage at the battlefield. Yesterday a local news station produced a story about the damage at the battlefield. The images on the news story spark the "I know him!" reaction in my head, especially the part when the newscaster walks by the desks... I sit there, almost daily; that's where I check my email and that's where I compose my official NPS correspondence (or just do my research, but that is not nearly as fun to say). I know [those desks]! I know [those desks]!

The battlefield continues to get busier, as more people arrive to help. We have work crews from Natchez Trace and Land Between the Lakes. They've been busy with chainsaws attempting to clear the tour road and the area around the Hazen Brigade monument. We had an archeologist team out the last few days to survey the areas that have been recently exposed to see if any artifacts surfaced (they did not find anything major as far as I know). We've also been planning for Junior Ranger Day. Initially, we were going to have upwards of 400 kids bused in from Nashville for the event (plus any local kids), but now that number looks to be closer to 200. It allows for a little sigh of relief, but not much. I stay out of trouble when I stay busy, right?

Oh, and for the record, I also like smiling. Smiling's my favorite.

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