Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Mothership

Twice I have had near-completed blog posts erased (human error); I apologize for my lack of writing. I won't write much now, for I only have a moment before dinner. I am currently in Washington D.C. for training. I absolutely love to visit this nation's capital- it is one of my favorite cities. We are training at the Department of the Interior buildings, and being the history nerd that I am, I love considering the significance of these places. Major decisions have been made here, continue to be made here. And yes, I see myself working here one day.

The weather has been delightful (though it is supposed to turn foul tomorrow) and the training has been refreshing. I still have two more days here before I fly back to Louisiana. Maybe I will have some time during my travels to write more about my trip.

The Mothership (Department of the Interior)

A mural of national parks inside the Department of the Interior building

Another mural inside the building (there are a total of 47 murals, most dating from the 1930s)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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