Wednesday, May 13, 2009

positioning proverbial ducks

I am in the process of getting my ducks in a row. And life continues to throw things at me to keep me busy. It has been my intention to post an update, but work and school and outside projects catch up with me (and I have like four drafts of started posts, I just never posted them). First, I can announce that things keep falling into place and I cannot complain about that. Seriously. The day I decided to take a step back and stop attempting to control my life, my future brightened and things rolled along smoother than I could ever imagine.

I may have a job upon graduation. Which is awesome, but I don't want to jinx it so I won't go into details until I get more confirmation. I am planning on graduating in December. Which is awesome and I talked to my thesis advisor today and that is currently on track. I found a collection of photos at the battlefield today that both supports my thesis and some other research projects that I have been working on. Which is awesome, period. Actually, finding those photos really felt like discovering a gold mine. I believe I am still experiencing the adrenaline rush from the discovery...

Work keeps me insanely busy, which is good. It keeps me out of trouble. I currently am building new programs and talks for the summer (building a new Soldier's Story talk, a new Civilian's Story talk, and adding modifications to my Caravan tour because of the modifications made on the battlefield by the tornado). We are writing trail signs for the Civil War Trail signs that will run through Tennessee (we are writing three that will be posted along the greenway). The Junior Ranger program is almost complete and ready to be shipped to the printer. I will be going on the local Fox television news morning show in a few weeks to talk about programs at the battlefield. I am finishing up a traveling exhibit that should be on display in Murfreesboro by the end of June. And on top of all of this, we are expected to give bike tours and start roving on bikes. I don't know how I feel about that...

I am looking forward to summer. A lot will be accomplished. I may not sleep for the next three months, but a lot will be accomplished.

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