Monday, August 1, 2011


I have taken this whole lack-of-thesis-writing to the extreme. My apologies for not posting, but I have spent most of my free time lounging about (have finished four fiction novels in the last two weeks... that's a record for me). I have also slept a lot and have increased my running milage (and it is the most amazing feeling!). Not having the weight of school crushing me is practically indescribable.

I have a list of things to actually do today (in addition to lounging about). Indeed, my hungry cats woke me up at 6 this morning, so I have already gone grocery shopping, cleaned the kitchen, wrote some letters, started laundry, and dove into another book (and 'tis only 9:30!). I still have more things to do, but here is the beauty of it: they are all things I choose to do! Job searching is one of the things on my list. There is an opening in Boston and I don't want to miss that chance (even if it is just a small chance). My next hurdle is securing a permanent position. Bring it on.

1 comment:

Will said...

Yay! I've been waiting for your triumphant blogging return! Any chance one of the novels was Little Brother?