Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day 3: Go [indirectly] to Jail

We woke up with this outside of our window:

While it would probably have sounded awesome to hear the river running, the generator of our "rig" is especially loud and drowns out all noises, even thoughts. We got the kids up early to start our Colorado adventures.

First, we popped into The Dam Store for the kitch of it.

Then we had breakfast at the Colorado Cherry Company. Cherry pie and buffalo jerky topped off with cherry cider? Breakfast of champions.

Then off we went to do some exploring at Rocky Mountain National Park (and surrounding area, as we had limited time).

We stopped at the Wyoming State Historical Prison site (we did not pass go, we did not collect $200).

Then we drove another seven hundred and sixteen hours through the bottom of Wyoming to get to our campsite. (Well, it felt like it, anyway). That part was nerve-wracking, as we had absolutely no signal for most of that drive.  We crashed in Dubois, Wyoming knowing that we had another early, long, and wonderful day ahead.

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