Sunday, September 20, 2009

yo ho ho and donuts

As ye may well know, one sunrise ago be International Talk Like A Pirate Day. So me hearties and me did. All captains be gone (Jim was at Chickamauga, John was on annual leave, and Gib doesn't work on Saturdays) so we proceeded to have a swashbuckling good time. 

We practically had to paddle to work, with all the rain that fell. And fell. And fell. Then, the saucy wench Elena and I brought in a box of donuts... of which we consumed almost half of by 9 turns of the hourglass. Then we proceeded to greet fellow shipmates in the proper tongue. "Top of the mornin' to ya!" proved to be the best greeting we could come up with. There weren't any visitors for the first hour of the day. So we took turns wearing the bejeweled pirate patch. The day really started at 9am, when a posse of bikARRRS came in for a brief orientation. They were jolly fun. Then the visitors kept coming steady after that, in spite of the rain (or maybe because of the rain). The influx of people kept the day rolling pretty smoothly. 

I'd say I'm upset over the fact that I will have supervision tomorrow and will have to speak in a civil tongue, but why should I care? Yar! I'll skewer anybody who decides to cross this saucy wench. Then I'll set sail. I can hear the rain still falling... it might be necessary for me to set sail, anyway.

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