Saturday, December 15, 2012

Catching up

What has that girl been up to? I wonder that myself.

I know how to keep busy. Doing what, you ask?

Since I last wrote, I had planned on writing many different posts.

I had planned on writing about winning a Twitter contest to receive tickets to a chocolate event at the Hermitage.
My friend said "stand over there by that pretty tree and I'll take your picture."
She didn't say "stay still."
The gorgeous fall day was spent with a good friend (and delicious chocolate) at a beautiful historic site.

I had also planned on writing about life in some of the rolling hills of Stewart County.

We wake up to fog a lot here.

I planned on writing about some of my projects (I still plan on that, in fact), including getting involved with Echoes of Nashville, a historic tour company (and how excited I am about it).

I thought about writing about my trip to Wisconsin, in which I ate cheese, drank beer, and learned to shoot (not all at the same time).
I need to work on my stance, apparently. 
I might even write about my trip to Texas I took this past week. I did so much in less than a week, all I remember is "fabric" and "family" and "fun." The rest is a blur.

I have intentions to be more consistent about posting in the near future. However, I know that I have family visiting (woop!) and the holidays and then a whole week volunteering at the Stones River National Battlefield 150th anniversary events. All that followed by a dentist appointment. So while I have positive intentions, I make no guarantees. Wait for it! I have a New Year and resolutions coming up, don't I?

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