I have drafted and saved many blog posts over the past several years. My desire to write exists. Time to sit and write thoughts about thoughts does not. So I have been reticent to publish or attempt to commit to blogging again, as I don't want to start only to wane. During the school year, my time is more or less consumed with taking classes, doing homework, reading for classes, taking notes for classes, retaking notes for classes, studying for classes, driving to or from classes, and making dinner for my family. Sometimes, I get some free time to vacuum the massive amounts of pet hair that is now a common feature at my house.
Since I last posted (some four years ago), I divorced, spent some time gallivanting, had intentions to move to a new and wild location, found a most marvelous man in rural, west Tennessee, married said marvelous man, gained three step kids, three step cats, two step dogs, and seven step chickens. In the past year, the chickens have all met their maker and we gained another cat. I also decided to go back to school in pursuit of a law degree because I am insane, evidently. Anybody providing advice about being a step-parent will say "it's one of the hardest things you can do in life." Anybody providing advice about going to school will say "it's one of the hardest things you can do in life." And here I am rolling along, doing two of the hardest things you can do in life in tandem. Many of those drafted and saved posts were inspired by events of my past year because this past year has provided more than enough fodder for writings.
One reason I want to keep up with publicly posting about my life again is rooted in the earliest reasons I started this blog over ten years ago. I felt like I neglected talking to my extended family while I was in grad school, and this was one way to let everyone know I was still alive. It is also therapeutic for me. So I think what I might do is publish this and see what happens after that. No commitments, though.