I don't even know how to start after not writing in forever. How about a "how's it going?" and "I hope all is well with you and yours." Seriously.
I contemplate the various posts I could write almost daily. I think about how this or that would make for a good post and then I get distracted. It happens.
My most recent imagined post was some elaborate detail about sitting the watch the sun set. I recently took a temporary park ranger position at Andersonville National Historic Site. I don't like being away from the other half of my heart who still lives in middle Tennessee, but I am certainly enjoying feeling useful at my place of employment. I like feeling like I have a purpose. I have been allowed to stay on park grounds during my stay. My new evening ritual is to walk to the monuments that stand on the field beyond my "front yard." I park myself on a bench and sit for at least a half hour, sometimes I start creeping up towards an entire 60 minutes. Just to the right of my view is the sinking sun. As the sun melts into the horizon, I have time to appreciate each hue as every second discreetly adds a new nuanced layer of orange or gold or purple or navy. My nerd self also contemplates individuals who may have witnessed that sunset in years past. I also wonder what would it take for me to recreate that, whether I can do it with fabric, ink, pencil, paint, or other assorted mediums. As it turns out, my brain's left side and right side are constantly active. I wonder what words would I use while contemplating what color scheme would capture that particular evening best.
Maybe if I spent less time being and more doing, I'd have more to show for it (like more posts, maybe something legitimately publishable). But for now, I am enjoying my evening rituals and contemplation.